Where can I book a Helpr sitter in the US?

You can book a Helpr Network sitter in cities across the US including:

Arizona: Phoenix

California: Greater San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Sacramento

Colorado: Denver

Connecticut: Norwalk, New Haven

Florida: Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, West Palm Beach, Tampa/St. Petersburg

Georgia: Atlanta

Illinois: Chicago

Massachusetts: Boston

Michigan: Detroit, Ann Arbor

Minnesota: Minneapolis

Missouri: St. Louis

New Jersey: North and Central

New York: New York City, Long Island, Westchester

North Carolina: Charlotte, Durham, Raleigh

Ohio: Cleveland

Oregon: Portland

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh

Tennessee: Nashville

Texas: Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio

Utah: Lehi, Salt Lake City

Washington: Seattle

Washington, D.C. metro

Wisconsin: Milwaukee

There may be some restrictions based on your company benefit package. Search your 'helprs' tab in the app to find nearby Helpr Network sitters.

If you have any questions, please contact customer support at (877) 417-4883.

Let us know where you would like to see Helpr go next by emailing us at hello@helpr-app.com.